The Yearling was MGM’s most commercially successful movie of the year, earning more than $7.5 million at the box-office, but because of its high production cost, the profit margin was small.Įzra “Penny” Baxter, a Confederate soldier, and his wife Ora, are pioneer farmers in Lake George, Florida in 1878. Their son Jody is their only surviving child. While Jody has a wonderful relationship with his warm and loving father, he has strained interaction with his mom, who’s still haunted by the deaths of her other children. Life has made her detached and somber, fearing that Jody will end up dying if she shows her love to him. Jody longs for a pet to care for, which Penny understands, but Ora is against the idea. When a rattlesnake bites Penny, they kill a doe and use it to draw out the venom. Jody asks to adopt the doe’s orphaned fawn, and father agrees but warns him the fawn will have to be set free.īuck Forrester tells Jody that Fodderwing, who had died, had said that if he had a fawn he would name him Flag because of its white tail. However, Flag has grown up to become a nuisance to the farm he eats corn, destroys fences, and tramples on tobacco crops. After Penny is injured while trying to clear a field, he tells Jody that if he wants to keep Flag he must replant corn and build the fence higher. Jody works hard and even receives help from Ora.ĭuring the night, however, Flag jumps over the high fence and destroys the new corn crop. Penny orders Jody to shoot it, but the boy doesn’t have the heart to kill it.

Instead, he orders the deer to go away, butt Flag comes back to their property and devours crops again.