
Mac terminal bash sudo command not found
Mac terminal bash sudo command not found

mac terminal bash sudo command not found
  1. Mac terminal bash sudo command not found mac os#
  2. Mac terminal bash sudo command not found zip#
  3. Mac terminal bash sudo command not found windows#
mac terminal bash sudo command not found mac terminal bash sudo command not found

Check your PATH variable is rightly set?.If none of your commands are working correctly, make sure you have set the file correctly, and has the correct encoding (CR/LF). bash_profile set correctly? bash: ls: command not found

Mac terminal bash sudo command not found windows#

If you are using a utility like git bash for windows you may not have all set of bash commands available.

  • Do you have the command available under /usr/bin folder? $ cal.
  • Mac terminal bash sudo command not found zip#

    List of valid bash commands: !!, GetFileInfo, ReportCrash, afconvert, afinfo, afplay, airport, alias, alloc, apropos, asr, atsutil, awk, basename, bash, bc, bg, bind, bless, break, builtin, bzip2, caffeinate, cal, calendar, caller, cancel, case, cat, cd, chflags, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, cksum, clear, cmp, comm, command, complete, continue, cp, cpio, cron, crontab, csplit, csrutil, curl, cut, date, dc, dd, declare, defaults, df, diff, diff3, dig, dirname, dirs, diskutil, disown, ditto, dot_clean, drutil, dscacheutil, dscl, dseditgroup, dsenableroot, dsmemberutil, du, echo, ed, enable, env, eval, exec, execsnoop, exit, expand, expect, export, expr, fc, fdesetup, fdisk, fg, file, find, fmt, fold, for, fs_usage, fsck, ftp, function, fuser, getopt, getopts, goto, grep, groups, gzip, halt, hash, hdiutil, head, history, hostname, iconv, id, if, ifconfig, info, install, iosnoop, iostat, ipconfig, jobs, join, kextfind, kextstat, kextunload, kickstart, kill, killall, l, last, launchctl, less, let, lipo, ll, ln, local, locate, login, logname, logout, look, lp, lpr, lprm, lpstat, ls, lsbom, lsof, lsregister, man, mdfind, mdls, mdutil, mkdir, mkfifo, mkfile, mktemp, more, mount, mv, nano, nc/netcat, net, netstat, networksetup, nice, nohup, ntfs.util, nvram, onintr, open, opensnoop, openssl, osacompile, osascript, passwd, paste, pbcopy, pbpaste, pgrep, ping, pkgbuild, pkgutil, pkill, plutil, pmset, popd, pr, printenv, printf, ps, pushd, pwd, quota, rcp, read, readonly, reboot, return, rev, rm, rmdir, rpm, rsync, say, screen, screencapture, scselect, scutil, sdiff, security, sed, select, serverinfo, set, setfile, sharing, shasum, shift, shopt, shutdown, sips, sleep, softwareupdate, sort, source, spctl, split, sqlite3, srm, stat, stop, su, sudo, sum, suspend, sw_vers, sysctl, system_profiler, systemsetup, tail, tar, tccutil, tcpdump, tee, test, textutil, time, times, tmutil, top, touch, tput, tr, traceroute, trap, trimforce, tty, type, ufs.util, ulimit, umask, umount, unalias, uname, unexpand, uniq, units, unset, until, until, upsfilter, uptime, users, uucp, uudecode, uuencode, uuidgen, vi, w, wait, wall, wc, whatis, whereis, which, while, who, whoami, write, xargs, xattr, xcode-select, yes, zip

    mac terminal bash sudo command not found

    In the above example you can see that grep is misspelled as gerp, hence the command is actually invalid! If you are unsure if it's a valid command or not look at the below comprehensive list to find one you are trying to use, $ grep '%looking for some text%' Output: bash: gerp: command not found Let's see some examples and what could be the cause of the issue,

    Mac terminal bash sudo command not found mac os#

    Bash: command not found is the most common error that someone may encounter while working on a macOS (earlier know as Mac OS X) terminal or any other Unix or Linux based operating system console (or Windows command line with Bash Shell commands enabled).

    Mac terminal bash sudo command not found