- Mac terminal bash sudo command not found mac os#
- Mac terminal bash sudo command not found zip#
- Mac terminal bash sudo command not found windows#

Check your PATH variable is rightly set?.If none of your commands are working correctly, make sure you have set the file correctly, and has the correct encoding (CR/LF). bash_profile set correctly? bash: ls: command not found
Mac terminal bash sudo command not found windows#
If you are using a utility like git bash for windows you may not have all set of bash commands available.
Mac terminal bash sudo command not found zip#
List of valid bash commands: !!, GetFileInfo, ReportCrash, afconvert, afinfo, afplay, airport, alias, alloc, apropos, asr, atsutil, awk, basename, bash, bc, bg, bind, bless, break, builtin, bzip2, caffeinate, cal, calendar, caller, cancel, case, cat, cd, chflags, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, cksum, clear, cmp, comm, command, complete, continue, cp, cpio, cron, crontab, csplit, csrutil, curl, cut, date, dc, dd, declare, defaults, df, diff, diff3, dig, dirname, dirs, diskutil, disown, ditto, dot_clean, drutil, dscacheutil, dscl, dseditgroup, dsenableroot, dsmemberutil, du, echo, ed, enable, env, eval, exec, execsnoop, exit, expand, expect, export, expr, fc, fdesetup, fdisk, fg, file, find, fmt, fold, for, fs_usage, fsck, ftp, function, fuser, getopt, getopts, goto, grep, groups, gzip, halt, hash, hdiutil, head, history, hostname, iconv, id, if, ifconfig, info, install, iosnoop, iostat, ipconfig, jobs, join, kextfind, kextstat, kextunload, kickstart, kill, killall, l, last, launchctl, less, let, lipo, ll, ln, local, locate, login, logname, logout, look, lp, lpr, lprm, lpstat, ls, lsbom, lsof, lsregister, man, mdfind, mdls, mdutil, mkdir, mkfifo, mkfile, mktemp, more, mount, mv, nano, nc/netcat, net, netstat, networksetup, nice, nohup, ntfs.util, nvram, onintr, open, opensnoop, openssl, osacompile, osascript, passwd, paste, pbcopy, pbpaste, pgrep, ping, pkgbuild, pkgutil, pkill, plutil, pmset, popd, pr, printenv, printf, ps, pushd, pwd, quota, rcp, read, readonly, reboot, return, rev, rm, rmdir, rpm, rsync, say, screen, screencapture, scselect, scutil, sdiff, security, sed, select, serverinfo, set, setfile, sharing, shasum, shift, shopt, shutdown, sips, sleep, softwareupdate, sort, source, spctl, split, sqlite3, srm, stat, stop, su, sudo, sum, suspend, sw_vers, sysctl, system_profiler, systemsetup, tail, tar, tccutil, tcpdump, tee, test, textutil, time, times, tmutil, top, touch, tput, tr, traceroute, trap, trimforce, tty, type, ufs.util, ulimit, umask, umount, unalias, uname, unexpand, uniq, units, unset, until, until, upsfilter, uptime, users, uucp, uudecode, uuencode, uuidgen, vi, w, wait, wall, wc, whatis, whereis, which, while, who, whoami, write, xargs, xattr, xcode-select, yes, zip

In the above example you can see that grep is misspelled as gerp, hence the command is actually invalid! If you are unsure if it's a valid command or not look at the below comprehensive list to find one you are trying to use, $ grep '%looking for some text%' Output: bash: gerp: command not found Let's see some examples and what could be the cause of the issue,
Mac terminal bash sudo command not found mac os#
Bash: command not found is the most common error that someone may encounter while working on a macOS (earlier know as Mac OS X) terminal or any other Unix or Linux based operating system console (or Windows command line with Bash Shell commands enabled).